#Akira Hayama x F!Reader
spicy-batman · 3 years
All Tied Up: Akira Hayama
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(Akiiiiiiiiira Hayamaaaaa~~ God... This man... Did anyone else think he looked drool worthy tied to that seat? If yes then lucky you!! If not then you need to go reread/rewatch and behold the glory. Also his hair is to die fooooooooor)
Rating: Explicit. Kinda SMUT? Maybe...
Summary: Did you want to tie up your boyfriend after seeing how he trained for the Fall Selection? HECK YES. Was Akira down for it? Not that he'd admit it but...
Pairings: Akira Hayama x F!Reader
Warnings: No real plot. SMUTTY IDEAS. Blindfolded Akira. Restrained Akira. Teasing. Language. Might have missed some, you get what you're given!! But enjoy anyway~
"Well... Don't you look appetising, hmm Akira?~"
"Tch... This isn't a new thing for you to play around with Y/N..."
"Isn't it? You seem to be enjoying yourself as much as I am"
"T-That's not true- Nggh~... Y/N..."
The sound of her name on Akira's tongue sent a ripple of pleasure down the girls spine. His moan had done exactly the same not even a second before, but the tone of it, the fusion of lust, warning and want all combined into one frustrated growl set her nerves on the most alluring edge.
The sight of him as he was right now was truly the most delicious she had ever laid eyes on, even more glorious than any dish she had cooked, baked, or seen with her own two eyes and hands since entering this academy for the culinary arts. As soon as she had bumbled into the Shinomi Seminar and beheld him like this for the first time, she made it her mission to have him in such a state again.
Which she had thankfully achieved, albeit with a little help from Alice Nakari and Ryo Kurokiba in the distraction of Jun Shiomi for a few hours. She was happy that Jun adored her so much, being Akira's first girlfriend and all... But it was hard to be together without her working a few doors away or gushing over how sweet they both looked together, and the woman did deserve a break from her science in her own right. Tonight was a win win for everyone! Well... Everyone but Akira Hayama if Y/N had her way.
"Untie me Y/N! This is your last warning!... "
"What? So you can get me back as soon as your hands are free? I might not have a nose like you, but I can smell that trick a mile away Hayama"
Akira only growled once more in response to her, straining against the silk knots that bound him to the chair he was sat and blindfolded upon 15 minutes ago, tricked into another scent test that quickly became focused on a different kind of spice than he expected. Not that he was complaining, his pride kept him from openly admitting how the loss of touch and sight seemed to warm his blood in all the right ways, he just didn't like not getting his way. Being denied. Being teased.
He was the one who held the reigns in that department of the bedroom. Taking his time to find the ultimate concoction that would send her catatonic, spiralling into euphoria, until all she cared to remember was the name 'Akira Hayama'. But it seemed her recette for today was retaliation, and ever the supporting boyfriend, he supposed he was more curious to see what heights she would take them to to not act fully on his irritation of being restrained.
Definitely not so he could learn and outdo her next time... Totsuki really did ingrain competition into their bones...
"Trick or not, are you really willing to risk tha- Aah~"
A deep blush bloomed on his skin at the sound she released from his throat, but it mattered little compared to the pleasure that sprung from the darkness like a predator to prey, its heat running up his spine in tandem with the tongue that made a long pass from his exposed collar up over his throat, to finish with teeth sunk softly and playfully into his bottom lip .
He could feel her chuckle against his lips as much as he heard it, could feel her body heat so close to him and smell the sweet, familiar scent of her hair as it gently brushed and mingled with his own white locks. The close proximity, the attack of 3 senses at once, knowing who had him in the palm of their hand, it all rushed down to the only place that could betray his attempt at keeping his cool, and he could only pray for his pride that she didn't notice it until she had done a little more work.
While perfect for testing his nose, this blindfold was going to end him if it wasn't taken off soon.
"Oh, now THAT was a sound I'll never get tired of hearing! You're cute when you want to be Akira~"
"Call me cute one more time and see what comes of it when i'm freed. Remember... You can't keep me tied here forever, love. I will get you back~"
"Heheh, I'm planning on it~"
A click of shoes either side of him let him know and brace for her next course, and his legs came closer together on instinct to form a comfortable space as she settled herself to sit on his lap. His reward for it came in the form of a kiss, gentle and loving at first, that gradually became a battle of tongues and dominance the more Akira wanted the control back, and to his utter male pride, she fell quicker than anticipated.
Her soft moans where music to his ears, combined with the feel of her body pressed to his own and the sweet taste only he would ever be allowed to share with her, it all blended and painted the most exquisite image in his darkened vision, one that he allowed his body to desire and fall prey to happily.
The kiss ended to soon for Akira's liking, but there was little he could do with his hands bound, he could only groan in frustration and give chase as far as his arms could allow. It was only at the stopping point that he realised she had unbound his hair at some point, the strands tickling his skin as he wobbled a bit from the speed he had used to capture her sweet lips again, but he quickly got them back under control to save them both from an unfortunate tumble.
The giggle that fell from her lips at the almost accident was a different piece of art all together, a melody that sparked flowers to bloom in his chest, and he couldn't stop himself from matching the sound equally. Her fingers caressed his jaw line affectionately, and Akira's lips naturally fell open to catch her index fingertip softly between his teeth in a playful gesture, even as he felt her other hand not so secretly begin to undo the buttons of his uniform as it drifted down his heated body.
“Someone’s eager to move things along~ I thought you wanted to make the best of my predicament?“
“I do, but don’t think I haven’t noticed your problem“
Akria stiffened at the words, every sense now focusing on the soft hands that got lower and lower, each button that popped open at an agonizing pace, until they finally touched upon the belt at his hips, where they wasted no time to work it open before undoing his pants right after. He sighed in relief at the release, the pressure eased a little but not near what he desired or the way he wanted her to do it. Yet he still felt on edge, especially as the warmth her body provided vanished, following the same path but leaving a trail of kisses down his exposed chest until he was certain she had settled between his open legs. 
“Let’s fix that shall we, Ak-iiiiiiiira?~“
“Fix it?- W-Wait... You can’t-... At least let me see it ha- Aaaah!~ Fuck~“
“Hehe, cute~“
(God i’m mean. Always before it gets good!)
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polar-stars · 5 years
PSD Quartet plz?
 Ofc, fellow PSD-Stan
Shun Ibusaki
Why I like them - I like how mysterious he is and it also adds great comedy how emotionless he always is when surrounded by the PSD-members who more than often get utilized for reaction shots and are therefore pretty expressive. I also loved seeing his hidden depth and ambitions, shame that there was no work done with it.
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Episode 23/Chapter 55 (AE Premlins), Chapter 96 (This is where he has the moment with Ryoko), Chapter 116 (That’s the Stagiare-Moment of his)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “Like hell I can give up! I’m turning things around…” (Chapter 116)
Favorite outfit - I’d say his “Prince of Smoke”-Outfit
OTP - Him x Ryoko Sakaki ❤️ 
Brotp - Him and the Rest of PSD, mainly Zenji Marui ofc. For someone outer-PSD: Akira Hayama and/or Ryo Kurokiba and him sound like a nice friendship.
Head Canon - His favorite song is “Bring Me Back To Life” by Evanescence, no you can’t change my mind on that. 
Unpopular opinion - uuuuUH, a few fanworks (x-Readers) tend to portray him as this straight-forward, smooth guy and I can’t really see that? He strikes me as a shy bean, who would be really unsure about confessing his love for a great amount of time.
A wish - I mean, it’s all over now but….It would have been nice if his obvious grudges from the Autumn Elections would have been explored with more depth. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - Exactly what happened, he never got to do anything ever again ; 7 ;
5 words to best describe them - Silent, Mysterious, Stoic, Ambitious, Blunt
My nickname for them - “mop” ahhdhdGHG SORRY, I LOVE YOU SHUN
Ryoko Sakaki
Why I like them - Ryoko is just such a gentle and caring soul, how can you not like her? I like how mature she is in comparison to most of her classmates, but is still made out to be a person you can have fun with. She just has an insane amount of grace and elegance to her in all of her sophisticated calmness and I love her established role as big-sister-figure within the dorm and how it shows specifically when she interacts with Yuki and Megumi.
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Episode 23/Chapter 54 (AE Premlins), Chapter 63 (She helped out Soma for his Shokugeki against Alice and it was interesting seeing them interact o3o), Chapter 96 (This is where she had the moment with Shun)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “…is that what you’re thinking?” (Chapter 96)
Favorite outfit - hmmmMMM…Maybe that one dress she wears when Erina joins the dorm ovo?
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OTP - Her and Shun
Brotp - Her and the PSD Members, most notably Yuki Yoshiko ofc. Outer-PSD, I’d say Ikumi Mito (+ Erina wether or not you count her into PSD)
Head Canon - Has shampoo that smells like cherry-blossoms and therefore carries the fragrance of cherry-blossoms around at all times. 
Unpopular opinion - Don’t oversexualise her please 🙃 Also in a few works, she tends to be portrayed as rather lewd or the girl who had everyone in their bed already, and I could never really see that. She kind off strikes me as someone who would want to “save herself up” for someone special so to speak and also needs a bit of time before agreeing to get physical.
A wish - Again, too late now but welp, it would have been great to see her cook again. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - *mutters* the thing that happened…her never getting proper screen time again
5 words to best describe them - Mature. Calm. Friendly. Gentle. Patient.
My nickname for them - Meep, I like to call her a “Lady” but that’s it ;w;
Yuki Yoshino
Why I like them - How can one not like Yuki? She’s such an adorable, supportive, little sunshine girl! Her bubbliness and joyful attitude are just very endearing and it’s always massive fun to watch her. She also has a bunch of funny moments and I enjoy how overdramatic she can get sometimes. To me, she’s a very fun and lovable example of an energetic character. 
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Episode 22/Chapter 56 (AE Premlins, though I think her part was done better in the anime), Chapter 60 (First time of her crying, because bby didn’t made the AE and still she throws a party for her friendos afterwards…BBY), 70 + 69 (Her supportiveness for Megumi in her match with Ryo was just the cutest thing ever, change my mind) Chapter 141 (This is where she breaks down crying in-front of everyone), Also Chapter 63 because this is where she asks Zenji if his glasses are just for show and that’s ✨ OTP ✨(next in line for “Great OTP Moments” would be Episode 13/Chapter 28)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “I really don’t like this! I don’t want the Polar Star Dorm to be gone!! I wanted..to be with you guys and together….I…I wanted to, cook more with you!” (Chapter 141) + “We of the Polar Star are so fearsome even kids stop crying!” (Chapter 14)
Favorite outfit - Her “Red Riding Hood”-Outfit is hella cute, if it’s something casual I’d say this outfit from that one chapter cover
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Brotp - Her and PSD, most notably Ryoko Sakaki. Outer-PSD, Ikumi Mito and Alice Nakiri would be my picks (+ Erina Nakiri, depends on where you count her in -w-)…also hear me out……Her and Kuga. (Or her and Nene for my self-indulgence, hi)
Head Canon - She likes fruit-patterns, tropical fruit-patterns. Especially those with citrus-fruits. 
Unpopular opinion - Hm…I am sure there’s something, but idk as of now
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - (I actually kinda like seeing her in the world of business in Les Dessert so kudos for that I think),  AHEAM her being reduced to a mere reaction character 
5 words to best describe them - Energetic. Spunky. Supportive. Childish. Overdramatic.
My nickname for them - Sunshine bby, Precious Sunflower
Zenji Marui
Why I like them - *deep breath* I like smart characters and his very role in Shokugeki is to be the smart guy, but there’s more to that…I like how he’s still shown to be a hard-worker who studies hard to survive in Totsuki’s harsh environment where he’s surrounded by natural geniuses and how he truly excels in the intellectual area. He’s also just great fun to watch wether he’s onto explaining something solemnly or greatly upset about something. I also do like the “Everybody’s-Doormat-Character” who complains about that status a lot because….that’s quite literally my life. Zenji is very relateable for me, because I too have to deal with people who never listen to me and I too am DAMN EASILY EXHAUSTED. Zenji has both serious moments and comedic moments and both work for me and I ju ST LOVE HIM SO MUCH. 
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - CHAPTER 23/55 MY DUDES (AKA. AE PREMLINS) I GET EMOTIONAL EVERY SINGLE TIME, Chapter 152 (He has some damn nice panels in this, don’t judge me), Chapter 235 (listen, I also just get enjoyment out of my fave-glasses-person explaining the villainy of my other-fave-glasses-person, doNT JUDGE ME) also once again….Chapter 63 + Episode 13/Chaoter 28 because ✨ OTP Moments ✨
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “I don’’t have an outstanding cooking sense, and my physical strength is below average. That’s exactly why I have a strong desire for ‘knowledge’. All so that an ordinary man like me can fight against all those geniuses!” (Best Chapter Chapter 55)
Favorite outfit - That one shirt he always wears I guess + his “Professor of Taste”-Outfit because he SMART !!
OTP - Him 👏 and 👏 Yuki 👏 Yoshino
Brotp - Him and PSD, most notably Shun Ibusaki. Outer-PSD, as I’ve said…I would have loved to see him interact with Alice Nakiri some more, given that I’d say they’re the smartest members in their Gen. Him and Hisako Arato also sounds like a nice duo. (Also hear me out, his interactions with Etsuya Eizan would be hilarious, I deserve to see t h a t. Someone give it to me, pls. Additionally…..Nene. Just give me the Glasses-Characters-Of-SNS-Spin-Off come on)
Head Canon - I’ll just pretend he also went into the world of business in Les Dessert, because he kind off does in SnKimiko as well….Try to Stop me. Fumio and him have occasional, but intense battles in chess.
Unpopular opinion - *DEEP BREATH* My son tends to get underestimated a lot and be brushed off as just a comic-relief and no-E10-Material and I just…..*sighs* People in the past, did consider Shun E10-Material and Zenji had the exact same score as Shun in the AE Premlins, so I can’t see why he shouldn’t have the same potential. I mean it doesn’t matter because we never got to see any of the two in the Elite 10 so meep, but I am just….sad about the fact that barely anyone is giving Zenji even a chance. 
A wish - *cries* I just wanted to see him cook again*
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - *LOOKS STRAIGHT AT LES DESSERT 3 IN CONTEMPT*, (also honestly him (+ Daigo and Shoji) lusting after those two “hot” judges in RDC felt really out of place, out of character and just cringe…and I hate it.)
5 words to best describe them - Intelligent. Cautious. Calculated. Whiny. Serious. 
My nickname for them - NUMBER ONE SON
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